About Us

Who we are

A “Westbury Dragon” describes a graduate of Westbury High School in New York. The Dragons fondly recall their high school years as a time when they collectively experienced the social and cultural dynamics that defines their memories. We are a special group of friendships in an extra special place.


History. People. Events.

What Next?

Are you interested in a Breakfast club? Lunch bunch reunion? Local walks, boat rides, or day trips?

Reconnect with old friends and gather for leisurely meals or activities filled with delightful conversations and nostalgia. Whether we’re walking, talking or enjoying the diverse culinary offerings, these gatherings offer a taste of the local Long Island scene. In between bites and sips, participants can plan excursions to explore Long Island’s attractions, like the vineyards of the North Fork, fishing trips from Capetree, or a visit to the Planting Fields. These small-scale events rekindle connections and offer an opportunity to celebrate the unique culture and beauty of Long Island.